an unexpected level, humor and social justice are inherently connected. Both
Kolvenbach and King discuss the nature of social justice in a seemingly unjust
world; while four of the earlier humor theories presented by Plato, Hobbes,
Kierkegaard and Kant reveal how humor fits into some of the injustices present
in society. MLK obviously lived in a time of unprecedented social injustice and
his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” was a call to end that system of
oppression. He writes that freedom is never “voluntarily given by the
oppressor” and that the oppressed must demand their freedom (King). This
reveals the ever-present aspect of society of the oppressor and the oppressed.
Countless times throughout history innocent groups of people have been
marginalized because of race, religion, or gender. Kolvenbach sees injustice as
a spiritual problem that can be fixed through proper education about injustice
and concerted effort. He writes, “humankind, with all the powerful means at its
disposal, might exercise the will to change the sinful structures afflicting
our world.” (Kolvenbach 33). Both King and Kolvenbach have presented us with
the societal issue of the strong vs. weak, in which the strong take advantage
of and suppress the weak. This oppression can be traced into the damaging early
examples of humor.
Plato and Hobbes, like King and
Kolvenbach, see the evil present in the world around them and they also see
this evil present in humor. Plato argues that laughter is a mixture of pleasure
and pain because it is physically enjoyable to laugh but it is painful to our
souls because humor always arises at the expense of another person’s
misfortunes. Plato believes men are typically unaware of the damage their
laughter inflicts; yet they laugh nonetheless. Hobbes, on the other hand, sees it
as a more malicious thing in which strong men laugh at weaker men because it
makes them feel better about themselves. Both theorists offer interpretations
of humor that are damaging to the human condition because laughter is seemingly
always at the expense of other people.
Kierkegaard and Kant offer a
slightly more optimistic view of humor that I believe has translated fairly
well into modern forms of humor. Kierkegaard argues that true humor lies in
contradictions in which the pain experienced by any person is not essential. In
other words, the negative effects of the contradiction are null or very
trivial. He offers the example of a child calling another child “Lamb” and
claims it is funny because both children are the same age and the contradiction
lies in the fact that either child could be called a lamb. The joke is not made
with the intent to harm either child, rather it reveals the ridiculous notion
that one is higher than the other. Kant offers a different interpretation of
language in which he argues true humor is the act of building up someone’s
expectations only to remove them completely with the punch line of the joke.
This brings in the idea of the absurd or the unexpected being funny because the
humor comes in the form of the ridiculous. It is not at the expense of another
person, it is simply funny because it knowingly defies rational thought.
While Plato and Hobbes presented
negative interpretations of humor, Kierkegaard and Kant reversed that trend to
an extent. In my opinion, the final three examples of humor in Twain, Allen,
and Hurston are also more positive in the sense that they do no attack or
offend any group of people. Twain convincingly argues that “The humorous story
depends for its effect on the manner of
the telling.” (Twain 239). He believes that the truly humorous stories are the
ones that come across as humorous simply because they are told in a manner that
it is not supposed to be funny. Like Kierkegaard, Twain finds humor in
contradiction; namely the contradiction of funny matter being conveyed in an
unfunny manner. Woody Allen is more like Kant in the sense that he finds funny
in the absurd. In his short story, “The Whore of Mensa,” Allen creates humor by
twisting a story in an unfamiliar direction. His short story is humorous
because it takes the cliché of a businessman visiting a prostitute for sex and
turns into a businessman paying a student for an intellectual conversation.
Like Kant suggests, Allen builds up our expectations by alluding to the man
having an affair until it is finally revealed that he is actually paying for
something far more innocent.
There are many forms of humor, some
that are offensive and oppressive and others that are not. The main distinction
between the two types above is the manner of the humor and the target of the
joke. As Kolvenbach suggests, we can start to break away forms of social
injustice by restructuring society. One way of doing this could be to adjust to
more playful forms of humor in which the jokes are not told at the expense of
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