Many times this semester we have
raised the question as to whether or not it is an acceptable or damaging form
of humor to laugh at others’ misfortunes. A tangible example of this is a form of
slapstick comedy or humor in which we laugh at someone else’s pain. The classic
example of such a type of humor is when we see a friend slip and fall. Many
times, our first inclination is to laugh at our friend’s blunder before asking
whether he or she is okay. I do not believe we laugh maliciously but rather we
laugh because it was unexpected. Another example of a form of slapstick is
comedy routines like The Three Stooges.
The audience derives pleasure from the antics of the three brothers in which
various unfortunate happenstances arise and the brothers are either hurt or
inflict damage on one another. Undoubtedly, pain is not an enjoyable experience;
but for some reason we find humor in it when viewing it from the outside. There
is some innate human characteristic that derives pleasure from the misfortune
of others. However, it is very important to note that in both of these examples
of slapstick humor, the amount of damage inflicted is marginal and the “victim”
of the joke is not seriously injured. This type of physical misfortune as humor
is extremely applicable to the current work, Candide.
The amount of physical distress
Voltaire places on Candide and the characters around him is practically
unbearable. Very rarely will readers encounter a book in which the main
characters are abused and berated on virtually every single page. However,
despite the dark content of the book, Voltaire somehow manages to construct the
narrative with a light tone. The tone and the matter-of-fact voice of the
narrator trivializes Candide’s misfortunes in the very same way that Candide
misinterprets them himself. It’s an ‘ignorance is bliss’ situation in which
Candide is tortured throughout life but pushes on solely because of Pangloss’
notion that everything in this world is for the best. Candide is endlessly the
butt of cruel jokes and one in particular that stands out is the running of the
gauntlet. After forcibly being conscripted into the Bulgarian army, Candide
mistakenly believes, “that it was a privilege of the human as well of the
animal species to make use of their legs as they pleased.” (Voltaire 4). Four
soldiers then arrest Candide and accuse him of desertion forcing him to choose
between running the gauntlet or execution. He chooses to run the gauntlet and
is essentially flayed after running it just twice. He asks to be executed but
is spared by the King. There is essentially no humor in this scene but the
connection is that Candide is made into an object of amusement for the soldiers
in the same way that many jokes target individuals unfairly.
Many theorists we’ve studied thus
far have attempted to answer the question as to why we laugh, particularly at
others’ misfortunes, and many of these theories have been centered on the idea
of raising ourselves above the people being laughed at. However, Descartes,
Freud, and Spencer offer a different set of theories known as the relief
theories. Descartes’ theory is perhaps the most relevant to Voltaire. Descartes
believes it the responsibility of the author not to laugh at his own jokes, so
that the audience may be more surprised and therefore learn more from the joke.
(Descartes 25). Voltaire’s tone of voice lends to the absurdity of Candide’s
misfortunes. In the same way that we are shocked by a friend slipping and
falling, we are shocked by Candide’s bleak existence and the way in which he
seems unaware of how poor off he truly is. In both situations, the absurdity
lends to the humor. Spencer offers the next relief theory of humor and his
claim is that laughter is a biological reaction. He believes that laughter is
nervous energy that builds up within our bodies as we experience things. This
energy is then directed through various channels such as mental ones as forming
new thoughts, or physical symptoms such as laughter. However, a different kind
of laughter occurs a unique way. He says the laughter of incongruity (i.e.
absurdity) occurs when energy prepares to flow through designated channels then
is suddenly directed into a new channel arising from an absurd situation.
(Herbert 107). Like Kierkegaard, Herbert sees that laughter arises out of
expectations that fail to be met. In the case of Voltaire then, we laugh as a
biological reaction to the incomprehensible way in which Candide continually
adheres to Pangloss’ ill-advised worldview. The final theory presented by
Freud, is similarly a relief theory in which he believes humor is a release of
worry or fear of the world. He believes that humor is the result of the
super-ego watching out for the ego in a paternal way. (Freud 116). If Freud is
correct, perhaps we laugh at Candide because
the literary world presented to characters is absurd or we are thankful that
ours is not like it.
is clearly a type of satire that is quite difficult to digest. Humor in the
story is almost impossible to find and it begs the question as to whether or
not some of the issues that Voltaire deals with can ever be made humorous.
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